Thursday, October 9, 2008

To catch everyone up...

So this first one is going to be kinda long. I'm going to try and catch everyone up on the last year or so without going overboard.

I think I'll just try and do some highlights.

So, as most of you know, Brian and I built a house in Noblesville. Brian got to move in last November... I didn't get to move in until January (after the wedding).

The picture above was a very happy day for us! It was like being in a realty commercial.

After the house was finished, and Brian got to move in... it was time for the wedding!

December 29th was an awesome day!

The whole gang!
Being introduced as Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert!
Our first dance: "Wouldn't it be sweet to be loved by you"- Michael Buble
We haven't gone a Honeymoon yet, but we did have fun celebrating New Year's with some friends in Chicago... 115 Bourbon Street!
Now... skip all the way to 4th of July.... our neighbors (Liz and Eric) had a bash.
They are fast become some of our closest friends, tons of fun. This is a picture of Liz and I.

Eric and Brian are starting to let off some fireworks... didn't anyone ever tell them that it's better when it's dark outside?
This is the 'real' Mike Jones. He's our neighbor and he was the DJ at our wedding. He brought all of his equipment down to the Beckner's... it was awesome! Have you ever seen 30 people do the Electic Slide in a driveway? (I have!)
Jump to September... we came to Kokomo to watch Tony (my cousin Dina's fiance) sing at Don Pancho Villa.
The two new faces in the front are our newest neighbors and friends, Ryan and Brooke. They moved from California and they are awesome. So glad they chose our neighborhood.
Snagged a picture with Dina. I'm so glad she moved back to Indiana!
This is Tony... he has an unbelievably good voice!
Brian snatched up Isabella, Rachel's new little baby.
We hosted the first Colt's game at our house. Too bad they lost.
Yes, I realize it's the beginning of September, but that's when I put out my Halloween decorations. Righteous did not know what to think of this witch. You should have seen him when I plugged her in and she started to move!
The guys wouldn't get up and let me take a picture of them... this is the best I could do.
Brian's 27th Birthday Present
So, a while back when we painted out house, we painted our den with the Colt's team colors. One wall is blue and the rest are white. For his birthday, I really wanted to decorate the room for him and finally finish it. I had tossed around the idea of buying giant stickers and things to put on the walls, but it was all to expensive. Then, Liz suggested painting something, using a projector. I finally wrangled one (thanks Mark!) and Liz came over at 10:30pm the night before Brian's party (thank goodness he spent the night in Kokomo) and this is what we did!
The reveal.... he was very surprised!

So that's it for now... I'm sure I'll think of something soon!


Anonymous said...

Hello Gilbert Fam! Your Colt's room...IT ROCKS! Such a good idea, I'm so proud of your creativity, Bean :) Hope to see you over the holidays, which are coming up soon. Much love to the newlyweds!

Anonymous said...

I love the Colts room and I LOVE you two! :) You are so clever Sabrina! We miss you guys and can't wait for life to slow down so we have more time to see people! We have GOT to get this house done and have you over again for another reveal :) See you soon...hopefully!

Sarah G.

Brooke said...

What a cute BLOG...I wonder who it was who gave you the inspirtaion???

I LOVE you Sabrina!!! Can't wait for this weekend...smooches!!! xo